Legal Notices

Company Name: ARKADA Studio – SARL

Registered Office Address: 538 Rue aux Saulniers, 76320, Saint-Pierre-Lès-Elbeufs

Company Registration Number: 881 197 388

Share Capital: €30,000

Intracommunity VAT Number: FR57881197388

Contact Information:

  • Email:
  • Phone: +33631537965
  • Postal Address: 538 Rue aux Saulniers, 76320, Saint-Pierre-Lès-Elbeufs

Director of Publication: Quentin Deleau

Website Host: Ionos

Intellectual Property: No files or data related to our products, whether digital or physical, may be reproduced for commercial purposes.

Privacy Policy: You can review our privacy policy at

Terms and Conditions: You can review our terms and conditions at

In compliance with the AGEC (Fight Against Food Waste and Circular Economy) law, Arkada Studio is a member of eco-organizations allowing it to declare and pay an eco-contribution on its household packaging and game recycling (unique numbers: FR341674_01JMQQ and FR341674_12MXDS, respectively).

Refund/Return Policy:

In the event of a refund request, the following conditions apply:

  1. If we have already shipped the product(s) and/or if the person has received the product(s), they must return the product(s) to us at their own expense.

  2. We will refund the product’s amount after deducting banking transaction fees, which means the refund may not cover the total purchase amount.

  3. We reserve the right not to refund a customer if the refund amount exceeds the product’s value. For example, this may occur if you have ordered a dice addon located in the United States.

  4. We also reserve the right to process the refund request and issue the refund within a period of 3 months.

Delivery Times:

We understand the significance of delivery times for our customers. Delivery times may vary depending on the product and the destination. When making a purchase, specific delivery times will depend on the product and the location to which it needs to be shipped. We strive to provide the most accurate delivery information possible at the time of purchase.

Please note that delivery time information may be subject to changes due to various factors such as weather conditions, transportation delays, etc. If you have specific concerns regarding delivery times, please feel free to contact us for more detailed information about the product you have ordered.